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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The UnKool Season of the FLU

The Not So Kool Flu

The flu season in these United Stated hit the ground running this year.  It has been said this has been one of the worse seasons in history.  It started early and it has taken a hold.  While I personally feel that people are inviting the virus into their systems, I know that it is not done on purpose.  So today’s post will focus on the what and why of Influenza including the spiritual cause.  Once we understand how it is transmitted and treated we can work hard to prevent it.  Cause after all Prevention is ALWAYS the cure. 
What is this thing called influenza?
The flu is a virus that attacks the respiratory system.  This is the nose, throat and lungs.  The flu season usually begins in mid-fall and lasts throughout winter.  Since Influenza is caused by a virus it can come in many different variations.  While the body can create antibodies to help fight off the flu in the future.  The variations of the virus make this difficult.
You catch the flu from another infected individual that coughs or sneezes into the air.  This releases air droplets containing the virus and you know what happens next don’t you?  Correct, you now have been exposed to the flu.  If the immune system cannot fight it off you can become sick.  While you may know that you are sick you may not know what you have.  
The Symptoms Usually Include
Achy Muscles
Nasal Congestion
Fatigue and Feelings of Weakness
Dry Cough
You Are Infected…Now What?
First you need to STOP ALL INTAKE OF DAIRY PRODUCTS!!!!! Dairy creates mucus and we are on a mission to minimize not create! Next drink lots and lots of fluids.  You want to include herbal teas, bone or veggie broth, and room temperature water.  Make this continuous throughout the day.  This helps thin out the mucus in your system. Try to get some teas that include licorice root, ginger, Echinacea elderberry and vitamin C.   You should also get some extra Vitamin C & D into your diet.   
Boil some water and place some drops of eucalyptus essential oil into it.  Get a towel, put it over your head and inhale. 
Eat some chicken noodle soup.  For some reason this has been a tried and true mixture.  My guess is the nutrients from the veggies, chicken and bone broth help give your immune system a boost. Make sure you put some pepper in that soup. It’s good source of Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin K, Iron, Copper and Manganese.
Take a teaspoon of honey, which is anti-viral and get some garlic and onions (which are also anti-viral) into your life.  Boiling onion and garlic together to make a broth is a good way to go.  You can also increase your intake of Master Tonic or add it to your broth to get an extra dose of antiviral.
Use a Neti Pot to flush your sinuses.  It can be a little uncomfortable at first but it is worth the discomfort.  You should try to use it at least twice a day during your infection.    
Healing Your Spiritual Side
The crystal Moss Agate can help keep the lymphatic system moving and it represents emotional cleansing and relief.
Mediation calms the mind and allows the body to heal itself more effectively.  This also a GREAT preventatives practice. It can help to make a meditation jar and just focus on it until you can do it without.   

Prevent the Spread
Prevention is the Cure in all health situations.  If you put that effort forth you can prevent the spread of infection or prevent yourself from getting infected in the first place.  With that in mind, here are some tips to prevent either way.   
Don’t use hand sanitizer!!!  It has a drying effect and does not kill viruses.  It only kills bacteria.  We have good bacteria that can help us fight off infection.  WASH those hands with soap and water so the bad bacterium goes down the drain and the good ones can multiply. Oh yea, this also means DON’T use anti-bacterial soap. 
Don’t pick up used tissues and other items that have been in contact with the infected.
Don’t share utensils
If you are infected STAY AT HOME (this is easier said than done since all jobs do not pay for sick days) so I will change that to IF YOU CAN stay home! (While at home you can research ways to get employers to start paying ALL employees’ sick days)
Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough.  PLEASE don’t cover it with your hand!! Use your elbow bend or a tissue
Do NOT expect vaccines to prevent you from catching the flu. There are so many strains there is just no way to be sure. 
Go to the doctor if your symptoms don’t improve!!!  Choose Urgent Care over the Emergency Department because Urgent Care bills your insurance differently and costs less. 

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