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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Meditation Jar

Helping Hand Meditation Jar
In an earlier post we talked about using a meditation jar as a way for beginner meditators to stay focused on the present moment.  I realized that I told you all something but didn’t give the tool.   
Here is what you will need

A medium to large jar
Glitter Glue
Glitter (try to match the color of the glue)
Food Coloring
Hot Water

What you will do
First add the hot water to the jar
Add the glitter glue and let it melt
Add more glitter if you like (the more glitter the longer it will take to settle)
Add some food coloring to make the jar “pop”

Other Uses For Meditation Jars
Use the jar for a hyper child to help them calm down
Use as a time out, have your child(ren) reflect on alternatives to the action that got them the timeout.
Helps reduce negative emotions
GREAT for calming the mind during stressful situations.

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